Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cindy Sherman is my hero.

Yes, I love her. Love her, love her, love her.

I just taped a special on her that came on Ovation (if you don't have Ovation, you should get RULES. It really stimulates my creative mind).

For once, I'm actually not going to do too much research on the artist ahead of time. I think her self-portraits basically speak for themselves....Cindy is not interested in being a pretty, dainty little thing. She's a badass. I kind of imagine that Cindy must be the art world's equivalent to Mary Karr. No BS, just a very wild imagination and a camera.

When Cindy played dress-up as a little girl, she was always more interested in the qrotesque and shocking than she was in bras, pantyhose and high heels.

She's amazing at suspending disbelief. A-MAZE-ING. It's hard to believe that so many of her photos were made in her dingy studio in the 1970's, without the luxury of a digital camera. Her studio was simple - a few back drops, a full length mirror, and whatever props she brought to make her vision of the photo happen.

One of my favorite things that she said about photography was that she chose it as a medium because it was quicker than painting. She could fret and pace about the details of the photograph, but once she got them right, all she had to do was click. Cindy has a background in everything, I imagine (I know she painted for a while). Photography was just the most simple way for her to express herself.

I totally revere her, and at the same time, I'm very envious. I wish I had any talent at all with a paintbrush or my hands....nope. My only talent is my imagination, with regard to visual art. I can visualize things, I just can't make them yet. I chose photography because I just can't draw, and I like to dress people up as characters. I like to dress myself up as a character. I have a sneaky feeling I'll be a little Cindy Sherman Cadette for a while now. There are worse things to copy....Cindy's been copied and there was probably another Cindy before there was a Cindy. Look, even Tori Amos has copied Cindy.


So woohoo, Cindy Sherman. I named my camera after you. I am equally interested in capturing what's in my imagination.

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